Dos for Landlords

Do Conduct a Thorough Inspection

Begin with a detailed inspection of the property. This will help you identify any damages or areas that require maintenance. Use a checklist to ensure all parts of the property are reviewed, including appliances, fixtures, windows, and doors.

Do Provide a Cleaning Checklist

Offer your tenants a cleaning checklist that outlines your expectations for the property's condition upon their departure. This can include tasks such as deep cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, shampooing carpets, and cleaning windows. A clear checklist can prevent misunderstandings and ensure the property is returned in a satisfactory condition.

Do Hire Professional Cleaners (When Necessary)

While many tenants will clean the property themselves, some situations may call for professional cleaning services, especially if the property has been significantly neglected. Investing in professional cleaning can save time and ensure the property meets your standards for cleanliness.

Do Be Clear About Repair Responsibilities

Clearly communicate with tenants about their responsibilities for any damages or repairs needed beyond normal wear and tear. Providing a detailed lease agreement that outlines these responsibilities can help avoid disputes at the end of the tenancy.

Do Offer to Do a Pre-Move-Out Inspection

A pre-move-out inspection allows you and your tenant to walk through the property together, identifying any issues that need to be addressed before they move out. This can help avoid surprises during the final inspection and give tenants the opportunity to correct issues themselves.

Don'ts for Landlords

Don't Overlook Minor Maintenance

Small issues can quickly turn into major problems if not addressed promptly. Regular maintenance during and between tenancies can extend the life of your property and reduce the need for costly repairs.

Don't Forget to Document Everything

From the initial condition of the property to agreements made with tenants about repairs or cleaning, documentation is key. Take detailed notes and photos during inspections to have a record of the property's condition at various stages.

Don't Rush the Inspection Process

Take your time during the move-out inspection. Rushing can lead to missed issues that may affect the property's condition and your satisfaction with the turnover process.

Don't Neglect Tenant Communication

Open and clear communication with your tenants throughout their lease and especially during the move-out process can prevent misunderstandings and ensure a smoother transition for both parties.

Don't Ignore the Law

Be aware of Calgary's legal requirements for landlords during the end of tenancy, including security deposit handling, notice periods for inspections, and tenants' rights. Adhering to these laws can prevent legal issues and ensure a fair process for everyone involved.

In summary, the end of tenancy period requires careful management, clear communication, and a proactive approach to maintenance and cleaning. By following these dos and don'ts, landlords in Calgary can ensure their property remains in top condition, making the transition between tenants as smooth and efficient as possible. This not only protects your investment but also fosters positive relationships with current and future tenants.